I belong to the Paper Whimsey Yahoo Group dedicated to using Gail Blair's Paper Whimsey
images and the art that can be created using her fabulous collage sheets (check out her website to purchase collage sheets---no affiliation, I just love them!!). Every month Gail offers a challenge. If you take her up on the challenge and send her a SASE she will send you back a few goodies to be used in a 5x5 piece. The rules are pretty simple---use all the pieces she sends and follow the chosen theme. You can use other things in your collage as long as you use all of the items that were sent to you. At the end of the challenge one of the pieces is selected as the favorite (I'm not sure who chooses) and the artist who created the selected piece receives 3 collage sheets of her choice as a prize!! This is the first time I have entered the challenge and the theme this month was "Memories". Above is a pix of the collage goodies I received and my finished collage. I'd love to win those collage sheets!!!