A little more art...entry for Created By Hand Tuesday Challenge "Pink & Green"
Another ATC. This one is for the Created By Hand Tuesday Challenge Pink & Green
About me and the things I love
Another ATC. This one is for the Created By Hand Tuesday Challenge Pink & Green
Posted by
12:58 PM
Here is an entry for this week's challenge at "Theme Thursday". The theme this week is Masculine.
Posted by
7:39 PM
A public admission---I am the "world's worst" blogger, emailer, responder, regular snail mailer, etc.. I am the slowest art creator and I get myself over involved and committed and I FREAK OUT. In the past I have just hidden away and stopped communicating when I couldn't keep up. I am currently working on that issue, so if I owe you a response to a comment or email, a serious THANK YOU, a piece/pieces of art in an exchange or anything else---PLEASE be patient. I am working on it. Getting overwhelmed and procrastinating is one of my biggest flaws/faults/quirks. I hope you can love me, appreciate me and remain friends with me just the way I am. I am a work in progress.
Posted by
11:55 AM
The wonderful world of Blogging has brought me a new creative friend. Her name is Janet. She lives in Northern California (Ft. Jones) up by the Oregon border. Where else than on the Internet do we have such wonderful opportunities to meet people who touch our hearts?? I found the "Playing For Change" video on her blog---it spoke to me and I need to share it with you. It is beautiful and validates what we all really know---we are all connected.
Enjoy and reflect---the music and the story behind it...
Posted by
6:51 AM
I am the lucky winner...
I entered the "100th Post BladeRubber Stamps Blog-versary Giveaway" and won. Why should you be jealous you might ask---well, let me show and tell you why!!! To celebrate this special anniversary, Kaye and Graham of BladeRubber Stamps decided to give away a brand new, EXCLUSIVE set of unmounted stamps designed by the FABULOUS Susie Jefferson. They debuted on the BladeRubber Stamps blog on April 27th for the very first time! These designs are so new, they aren't even in production yet (and are only available by special order at present).
The winner (ME!!!) of the Giveaway gets all three stamps! Each stamp comes with its own First Edition Authentication Certificate... a real collector's item. And NOW they are mine!!! So here they are...
The Men
copyright Susie Jefferson
5cm x 5cm
Posted by
5:06 PM
Did somebody say "Challenge"???? When I did these I wasn't thinking of a specific theme or challenge (other than I am attending the "live ATC trade" at Dick Blicks and needed some ATC's), but it seems that what I do is Collage and the theme at "Saturday's Workout Challenge Site" is Collage, so I am going to share these as my entry to the challenge for this week.
Posted by
11:11 PM