My #1 favorite thing...fireworks!!!!
I didn't take any pix of the fireworks on 4th of July, so I borrowed this beautiful image from Zesmerelda's Flickr site. Thanks Zesmerelda!
About me and the things I love
I didn't take any pix of the fireworks on 4th of July, so I borrowed this beautiful image from Zesmerelda's Flickr site. Thanks Zesmerelda!
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10:40 PM
I have done quite a few fun things this month---I just haven't taken the time to blog about them! July is one of my favorite months. I love summer, 4th of July (especially the fireworks---just LOVE FIREWORKS!!), my friend Sandy's annual BBQ, my birthday and going to Art Unraveled (not until August---but still summer!!).
My friend Sandy is a generous and clever hostess. She always makes her BBQ's fun and something to look forward to. There are always activities to keep everyone busy when they are not eating (or drinking Lynchburg Lemonade---the house specialty!). Her plan this year was to have a "photo booth" so everybody could get their pix taken (for fun and to be used in a craft that was planned for later in the evening). She found that renting a photo booth was out of the question at $3,000+, so she designed one of her own in a downstairs closet. It was a blast and the pix turned out to be great fun!!! Here are a few....
4th of July we did our family annual event at Arlington Park Race Track. It was a great time as usual, although we missed having Mikey with us (he is still in Spain having the time of his life!!). We went early, but not early enough---it was hard to find good seating. Danny saved the day (as usual) by finding us 2 benches in the front row. We brought our usual (but smaller version) of our picnic. We had a great family sitting behind us who had two small children. Joey and the other kids had a very fun time. Joey picked a horse and won $10.00!! I brought art supplies with and the kids did art projects during the down time between the races. We hung out after the last race to await the fireworks. It is always a big plus to have our spot staked out! The people who come just for fireworks find it really difficult to find a place to watch. The fireworks were STUPENDOUS!!! I am never disappointed with the show there.
My birthday was also a fabulous and very busy day! Steve, Joey and I had brunch at the Clubhouse Restaurant in Oakbrook, IL. They have a delightful and overwhelming array of food. We ate and I drank Champagne until we were way too overstuffed. Joey enjoyed the Chocolate Fountain, but Steve and I are watching our weight and passed on dessert. We then went home to relax (or I thought to relax) and get my PRESENTS! I love presents!!! Joey gave me a $50.00 gift card for Starbucks (yeah!! I will put it to good use in Phoenix since there is a Starbucks in the lobby of the hotel at Art Unraveled!!). And Steve (my adorable husband) gave me a card with a Rain Check from our local grocery store....hmmmm. The Rain Check was for Blackberries and I didn't get it at first (I often don't get Steve's sense of humor). I finally realized that he was buying me my very own Blackberry and we went to the Verizon store to pick it out and set up service. I am now connected to the world and the internet 24/7!!! A new addiction! After that we went back out to dinner with my adult children, there significant others and of course Joey. It was a VERY GOOD DAY!!!
And now I am looking forward to attending Art Unraveled in Phoenix with my good friends Harriet, Sandy and Belinda in just 3 weeks! I also will get to spend an additional week there to visit with my dear friend Janet who I have been friends with since our 24 year old children were in the first grade. I have missed her since she moved to Phoenix last year.
So that is my July---my summer so far. The time is flying and before we know it, it will be Fall!!
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3:00 PM
The Calendar Journal Round Robin that I am participating in has now passed the half way mark. In June (the 6 month point) I was working in Christy Grant's Calendar and she was working in mine. Here are the pics of my contribution to her calendar journal.
*Little girl on left hand side from laurelemur's flickr site. You can view this and all of her wonderful vintage images at
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7:50 AM